Harmed by a loved one? You’re not alone.

The Intimate Partner Violence Program provides quality medical care and guidance from highly trained nurses. We’re here to support you, one step at a time.

Your well-being is our top priority.

Being harmed by a partner or spouse is both traumatic and intimidating. We care about your safety and comfort, and want to help you take the next step toward your well-being.


The Intimate Partner Violence Program: An Overview

The Intimate Partner Violence Program is dedicated to ensuring immediate, compassionate and comprehensive medical exams and treatment to anyone harmed by a partner or spouse.


Our Services

We’re committed to helping individuals navigate the through this scary period in their lives. Every person who seeks our help receives thorough, dignified, and confidential care. 


High Quality Medical Exams

Our trained Forensic Nurse Clinicians believe that anyone harmed by a partner or spouse has the right to a safe and confidential medical evaluation and detailed evidence collection procedure. 


Supportive Care

After providing an on-site medical exam, our nurses provide supportive care, such as medical care and referrals to appropriate agencies and services.


Confidential Medical Records

We understand that intimate partner violence can be a complicated situation. We maintain confidential medical records (separate from your primary care provider’s records) to honor your need for privacy. 


Next Step Support

If you desire, we’re trained to walk you through the process of reporting your evidentiary exam to law enforcement (although this is not required).


What to Expect

When you’ve been harmed by someone you trust, seeking help can be scary. We’re here to give you confidential medical care in a safe and judgment-free environment.

  1. Schedule an Appointment

Call the center during regular business hours to schedule your free appointment.

  1. Receive a Confidential Exam

Receive a safe and confidential exam with a trained, compassionate nurse clinician. If desired, you can report the evidentiary exam to law enforcement, but you are not required to.

  1. Receive Supportive Care

Receive supportive medical care and referrals to appropriate agencies and services.


Schedule an Appointment