Comprehensive care for victims of sexual assault.

The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program is dedicated to providing 24/7 quality medical care to children, adolescents, and adults who’ve been sexually assaulted or abused within the past 120 hours. 


You’re never alone.

If you’ve been the victim of sexual abuse or assault, you may feel isolated or afraid. Our trained clinicians are highly trained and experienced in supporting you through this difficult time. 


Sexual assault is never the fault of the victim.

Many victims of sexual assault blame themselves for their abuse. In reality, what happened is not your fault, no matter the circumstances.


The SANE Program: An Overview

Our team of Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners provides objective, high-quality forensic evaluations of child, adolescent and adult victims of sexual assault at no cost to them or their family.

Children, Adolescents and Adults

Our nurses are trained to tailor their exams to the age and culture of their patient. Whether you’re an adult in need of a sexual assault evidentiary exam, or you’re seeking a sexual assault evidentiary exam for a child, we’ll meet you with the care you need and deserve.


24/7 Access to Compassionate Care

SANEs are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and offer evidentiary exams, referrals to appropriate agencies and services, emergency contraception, and STD prophylactic treatment. 


We believe that any person, adult or child, who has been sexually assaulted deserves a compassionate and skilled nurse to help them take the next step forward. Our nurses are committed to delivering immediate, compassionate, and comprehensive sexual assault evidentiary exams and treatment.


Where to Get a Sexual Assault Evidentiary Exam

We partner with Sanford Bemidji Medical Center, a highly ranked regional hospital, to provide 24/7 medical evaluations for children, adolescents and adults who have been sexually assaulted within the past 120 hours. Any time, day or night, you can request an exam by one of our SANEs.


What to Expect

Seeking care for sexual assault or abuse can be intimidating and confusing. We’re here to empower you with knowledge and comprehensive medical care.

  1. Go to the ER

Day or night, go to the Sanford Bemidji Medical Center Emergency Room to access SANE Program support.

  1. Request a Free Evidentiary Exam

Request a free evidentiary exam at the hospital from an on-call FACNM Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.

  1. Receive your Exam

Receive a free sexual assault evidentiary exam exam with a trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner.

  1. Receive Supportive Care

Receive any and all supportive care, such as emergency contraception, STD prophylactic treatment, and referrals to other appropriate agencies.